March 21, 2022 (Wellington, Florida) – When Diamante Farms’ horse, Dünensee, outgrew his owner Devon Kane, they sent him to Germany for more training, where he landed with Christoph Koschel. Koschel and the 2009 Hanoverian gelding returned to Wellington, Florida, for the 2022 Adequan Global Dressage Festival (AGDF) show season where they have been wowing the judges in the horse’s introduction to CDI competition.
To top off their successful season, the duo helped Team Germany win the Nations Cup at the AGDF10 CDIO3* held March 17-20 with scores of 71.022% in the Grand Prix and 70.702% in the Grand Prix Special.

Kane bought the horse as a 4-year-old and brought him to the U.S. where she competed him in some young horse classes, but the gelding she calls “Denzel” just kept growing.
“He totally outgrew me,” the petite rider said. “His legs are longer than my body. I think his legs go to my shoulders!”
So, when he was about 6 or 7, she sent him to Hubertus Schmidt in Germany for finishing. Schmidt’s assistant, Ivan Sanchez, had the ride but when Sanchez decided to go out on his own, Kane sent her horse to Koschel in the summer of 2021 so he could help sell the gelding.

“When Christoph was coming over for the 2022 season, we discussed what to do with the horse and whether we should leave him there in Germany,” she said. “He was going so well with Christoph that I really didn’t want to switch riders again. So I decided just to bring him over and then Christoph could have the chance to sell him over here. So he did his first Grand Prix with him and they won the class!”
In Koschel and Dünensee’s first foray into the CDI ring, they earned a 68.565% in the CDI4* Grand Prix in early March at the Palm Dressage Derby and then went on to score a 75.355% in the CDI4* Grand Prix Freestyle in that same show!

“It’s fun,” Kane continued. “It’s the first horse I’ve had train with Christoph. They do such a lovely job preparing the horse and doing the basic training. And I really like how their team works and they get everything done really well. They are really top horsemen, with excellent horsemanship, top riding and top show preparation.”
Denzel remains for sale with a bright future ahead of him.
“He’s a very cool horse,” Kane said. “It all looks so pleasant and easy with soft power. I’m really happy. I think the horse really has a huge future.”
To learn more about Dünensee or other quality horses for sale, contact Devon Kane at 210-240-1614 or Kevin Kohmann at 561-660-2855. To learn more about boarding and training opportunities at Diamante Farms, go to

Photo by Susan J. Stickle